Welcome to Labirintos Coloridos Consultores
To collaborate is to build social value.
About us
Labirintos was founded in 2007 by clinical psychologists with a simple goal: to support organizations working with children and adolescents in distress, enabling them to play an increasingly significant role in mitigating adverse life events, or as we term it, a therapeutic role.
We felt the need to merge two perspectives: on one hand, the clinical approach that characterized us, and on the other hand, an understanding of organizational and social systems. We developed a consulting model that integrates individual dimensions, drawing from clinical and child development models, as well as organizational dimensions derived from management and organizational behavior models
We like to think that we stand out for our collaborative approach. This approach is reflected in how we work with our clients.
We don't believe in pre-packaged solution models, nor do we believe in "turnkey" services. We advocate for working side by side, collaboratively in the assessment and construction of organizational solutions
"We believe in participatory models in which the processes of caring, educating, helping, or treating are established cooperatively with clients. We believe that collaborative interfaces are the ones that best promote mental health and prevent fatigue, wear and tear, and burnout among frontline teams."
Pedro Vaz Santos, sócio fundador
Our focus
Building interfaces with challenging audiences involves implementing collaborative work methodologies with end clients, ensuring that the organization's services are not designed without their active input.
We see the quality and continuous improvement policy as a result of this encounter process.
Collaboration builds social value!
O trabalho com organizações da área da infância e juventude está na nossa génese. Atualmente trabalhamos com uma variedade de organizações que têm como missão ajudar, educar, cuidar ou tratar pessoas.
Family Support and Parental Counseling Centers
Residential Shelters
Residential Homes
Family Reception Framework Teams
Community Development Projects
Life Support Centers
Intervention Teams in the Area of Domestic Violence
Local Authority Social Action Teams
We support every organization by developing tailored consulting services through collaborative processes. See in which areas we can be most helpful.
Development and sustainability
Support for strategic and operational management, designing customer-oriented processes, maximizing social value
Intervention Processes and Models
Support for the construction and implementation of psycho-social, educational, and therapeutic intervention models
Supervision and Support for First Line Teams
Spaces for reflection on the dilemmas of practice, with psycho-social intervention teams, educational teams, and therapeutic teams
Our Clients
Fundação "O Seculo"
Obra N. Sra. das Candeias
Ass. Desenvolvimento do Torrão
Cruz Vermelha Vale de Cambra
Patronato St.ª Mafalda
Património dos Pobres
Centro Paroquial do Burgo
Centro de Acolhimento Tercena SCMC
Fundação de Veiros
Centro Social Palmela
Associação Chão dos Meninos
Casa da Infância e Juventude Castelo Brano
Os Cucos